Merry Christmas Eve, everybody! It’s also high time I got last month’s awards announced. Congratulations to all the winners!
Best Post (Single Author)

Lt. Cmdr. Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris
For “The end of Q?”
Not what I was expecting!
Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Akeno Misaki & Cmdr. Mashiro Munetani “Shiro” & Lt. Cmdr. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Cmdr. Mark Johnson & Lt. Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lt. Vrax tr’Keirianh
USS Wayfarer
Great tension!
Funniest Post

Ensign Kate Kono & Commander Jonathan Grayson
Intelligence Officer / Executive Officer
USS Washington
For “A new friend”
A new friendship leads to a great post!

Captain Shran dh’Klar
Commanding Officer
USS Washington
That’s how you start a mission!

Lt. Cmdr. Aurora Vali
Chief Counselor
USS Sunfire
What a fantastic month for the Sunfire’s Counselor as she contributed several meaningful plot advancements, got other players involved, and did on absolute outstanding job developing her own character and others within the confines of the mission. Well done!
Most Posts

Lt. Cmdr. Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris
For writing 25 posts.
Most Improved

Lt. Cmdr. Thriss Kla’ren
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Sunfire
The Sunfire’s Chief Engineer was very involved in the ship-side of the last mission and wrote several outstanding posts resolving the conflict at the end of the mission while simultaneously developing multiple characters for the future. Great job!
Rookie of the Month

None this month.

None this month.
Thanks for a great 2023, IDF!