Monthly Awards: November 2023

Merry Christmas Eve, everybody! It’s also high time I got last month’s awards announced. Congratulations to all the winners!

Best Post (Single Author)

Lt. Cmdr. Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “The end of Q?”

Not what I was expecting!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Akeno Misaki & Cmdr. Mashiro Munetani “Shiro” & Lt. Cmdr. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Cmdr. Mark Johnson & Lt. Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lt. Vrax tr’Keirianh
USS Wayfarer

For “Traitors be amongst us”

Great tension!

Funniest Post

Ensign Kate Kono & Commander Jonathan Grayson
Intelligence Officer / Executive Officer
USS Washington

For “A new friend”

A new friendship leads to a great post!


Captain Shran dh’Klar
Commanding Officer
USS Washington

For “Diplomacy and Debts”

That’s how you start a mission!


Lt. Cmdr. Aurora Vali
Chief Counselor
USS Sunfire

What a fantastic month for the Sunfire’s Counselor as she contributed several meaningful plot advancements, got other players involved, and did on absolute outstanding job developing her own character and others within the confines of the mission. Well done!

Most Posts

Lt. Cmdr. Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For writing 25 posts.

Most Improved

Lt. Cmdr. Thriss Kla’ren
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Sunfire

The Sunfire’s Chief Engineer was very involved in the ship-side of the last mission and wrote several outstanding posts resolving the conflict at the end of the mission while simultaneously developing multiple characters for the future. Great job!

Rookie of the Month

None this month.


None this month.

Thanks for a great 2023, IDF!

Monthly Awards: October 2023

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “Q’s Last Temptation”

An interesting conversation with an old friend.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Akeno Misaki & Cmdr. Mashiro Munetani “Shiro” & Lt. Cmdr. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Cmdr. Mark Johnson & Lt. Ileah & Lt. Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lt. Vrax tr’Keirianh & Ens. Robert Lee Jr.
CO / XO / CSTO / CMO / Y / CFCO / CSO / TO
USS Wayfarer

For “Jailbreak!”

Great dialog and great action make for a great post, all the while continuing to develop the characters.

Funniest Post

 Commander Michael Murphy & Lieutenant Katja Becker
Executive Officer / Chief Medical Officer
USS Montana

For “Meet and Greet”

Not laugh out loud, but a humorous introduction that creates endless possibilities.


Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Commanding Officer
USS Sunfire

For “Halloween”

Short and sweet, but everything you want in a Genesis Post–the crew can literally take it anywhere, but with just enough backstory for consistency.


Lt. Cmdr. Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

Described by her Captain as “a simming machine,” and who are we to argue? With her second consecutive month with at least 30 posts, she continues to display superior leadership in the XO role and engages other crewmembers with joint posts.

Most Posts

Lt. Cmdr. Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For writing 34 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali
Chief Counselor
USS Sunfire

Vali upped her game, finishing second on the sim in total posts with some outstanding collaboration along the way.

Rookie of the Month

Lieutenant Inara Senn
Chief Science Officer
USS Washington

Senn showed a distinct creative flair, adding a new element to the Washington in her first month.


Commander Jonathan Grayson
Executive Officer
USS Washington

Grayson brought in one new recruit, who seamlessly fit in with the crew.

You didn’t realize it was me this time, did you?

Monthly Awards: November 2022

As 2022 winds down, it’s time to honor the best of last month:

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Sunfire

For “Night One.”

Who’d have ever thought one could feel lonely on a Starship?

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Rhenora Kaylen & Lt. Sarah Wilson & Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Cmdr. Dean House & Lt. JG Blake Leone & Lt. JG Aurora Vali & Lt. Alison Haldeman & CPO Remal Kajun
CO / MO / XO / 2O / C / CC / ACOO / CA
USS Sunfire

For “Camp pt 1”

Star Trek and Dinosaurs! I love it.

Funniest Post

Capt. Akeno Misaki & Cmdr. Mashiro Munetani “Shiro” & Lt. Ileah & Lt. Avery Coyle & Lt. Rosaleen O’Donnell & Lt. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Mark Johnson & Lt. JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
USS Wayfarer

For “Day One – Beach Games! (Part 2)”

Starfleet officer knocked out cold by a volleyball. That’s funny.


Captain Akeno Misaki
Commanding Officer
USS Wayfarer

For “Dinner Date”

Not the prototypical Genesis post, but it does a great job setting things up.


Commander Jonathan Grayson
Executive Officer
USS Washington

The Washington’s XO put forth another strong month both in and out of character, which is typical for him. However, this time he purposefully added surprises that continually popped up during the mission, adding another layer to the sim.

Most Posts

Lieutenant Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Sunfire

For writing 16 posts.

Most Improved

Ensign T’Plana-hath
Intelligence Officer
USS Washington

The Ensign finished second on the sim with posting, but also advanced the plot quite nicely a couple times while also further developing the character.

Rookie of the Month

None this month.


Lieutenant Avery Coyle
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Wayfarer

For recruiting this newest member of the sim, Lieutenant Sidney Harper.

Thanks for another great year in IDF. Expect to see 2022’s final monthly awards post in early January.

Happy holidays and a happy new year to all!

Monthly Awards: August 2022

It’s that time again…

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Torvin Anor
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Wayfarer

For “Counting flotsam and jetsam”

We often forget the tedium of being an engineer. This post is great in its illustration of that.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Shran dh’Klar & Lt. Ayana Hillis & Lt. Cmdr. Deanna Celes & Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Lt. Cmdr. Shoniara T’ghann-Travis & Lt. Cmdr. Callie Raven-Grayson & Ens. T’Plana-hath & Ens. James Phoenix & Lt. Seth Travis & PO1 Amethyst Reece
CO / ACRTO / OO / XO / CMO / ACMO / CC / IO / TO / CDO / CA
USS Washington

For “Bringing Them Home”

This is a great holodeck scene featuring Lord of the Rings characters. A nice juxtaposition between real time events happening on the bridge while seconds are passing on the holodeck. Fun!

Funniest Post

Cmdr. Dean House & Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
USS Sunfire

For “Feels like the first time Pt 4”

Nothing like a decaying Deanwich to help you get to the bottom of something…


Captain Shran dh’Klar
Commanding Officer
USS Washington

For “A Breach in Temporal Accords”

Nice multi-scene genesis post about time travel. Excellent use of Daniels!


Lieutenant JG Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
Flight Control Officer
USS Wayfarer

The Wayfarer’s FCO had a fantastic month, leading and organizing posts while also injecting some great Klingon humor into the story.

Most Posts

Lt. Cmdr. Shoniara T’ghann-Travis
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Washington

For writing 15 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant JG Aurora Vali
Chief Counselor
USS Sunfire

The Sunfire’s Chief Counselor had many contributions this month, but the most noticeable was moving the plot forward in creative ways that inspired other players to take some chances.

Rookie of the Month

Lieutenant Nicole Logan
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Washington

Lt. Logan wasted no time in getting to know her fellow crewmembers, jumping immediately into the action.


None this month

2022 is nearly 3/4 done. Keep the great posts coming.

Monthly Awards: February 2022

With month two of 2022 in the books, let’s present our February awards:

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Aiko Kato
Flight Control Officer
USS Washington

For “Alpha Shift”

I love this post! It’s simple, just a crewmember getting ready for her shift, but the detail about sharing a bunk and all that goes into getting ready for a shift on the bridge is compelling. Well done!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Shran dh’Klar & Lt. Deanna Celes & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Lt. Shoniara T’ghann Dex & Lt. Callie Raven-Grayson & Lt. Seth Travis & Petty Officer 1st Class Amethyst Reece
CO / OO / CMO / ACMO / CC / CDO / CA
USS Washington

For “The Stuff of Dreams”

This was a really tough choice as there were three absolutely outstanding nominations. However, this one rose to the top due to its unique writing style of switching back and forth between Dex’s dream and the happenings in Sickbay. The incredible descriptive detail of Dex’s visions made me feel like I was actually there.

Funniest Post

Lieutenant Aurora Vali & Lieutenant Niali Korial
Chief Counselor / Chief Medical Officer
USS Sunfire

For “Apologies”

Awkward, right down to the OOC argument at the end!


Captain Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion

For “The Good Ole’ Boys”

This one could have been nominated for funniest post! However, it lays out the mission parameters just fine and really gets the crew going. Well done!


Lieutenant Rania Bhatti
Chief Counselor
USS Wayfarer

Since coming aboard Lt Bhatti has consistent produced top notch quality writing in all of her posts. Her creativity has been a boon of inspiration for the rest of the crew as well.

Most Posts

Lieutenant Shoniara T’ghann Dex
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Washington

For writing 11 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Callie Raven-Grayson
Chief Counselor
USS Washington

The Washington’s Counselor has done remarkable work for her own character development as well as creating opportunities for her crewmates.

Rookie of the Month

2nd Lieutenant Emily Janeway
USS Albion

The Albion’s newest Marine hit the ground running in her first ever month of simming with 3 posts, each one better than the one before, she’s really getting the swing of things.


None this month.

Thanks again for the great simming last month!

Awards Time: 2022

It’s been 20 months since we last presented individual major awards. In that time, our fleet has seen a lot of growth and set the bar high in a number of areas. It’s also been just over two years since we launched our new website and URL. Bottom line, it’s high time to recognize a few of the individuals who helped make all of this happen.

I’m also very proud to announce the creation of the Special Commendation Medal, which will be awarded for achievement above and beyond the call of duty at the crewmember level. With that in mind, I hereby issue the following seven citations:

The Special Commendation Medal is awarded for achievement above and beyond the call of duty at the crewmember level.

Special Commendation Medal

Awarded to Lieutenant Aurora Vali of the USS Sunfire for outstanding role playing. She is the epitome of the quiet, reliable, and drama free achiever. A true team player, she is considerate of others, puts forth great ideas to the command, and introduces excellent plot twists for others to use–she does all the little things that others often don’t see.

Awarded to Lieutenant Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell of the USS Sunfire for outstanding writing. A role playing force of nature, she’s already second all-time with 20.43 total awards and one of the greatest simmers in IDF’s history. Durnell continues to produce posts of such high quality that one could mistake them for production level Trek.

Awarded to Commander Jonathan Grayson of the USS Washington for outstanding role playing leadership. He’s been the Executive Officer of the Washington for several years now, understanding the nuances of the Captain’s guidance and balancing it with a great pulse on the crew. He’s an excellent mentor, coordinator, and writer to boot.

The Command Excellence Medal is awarded for achievement above and beyond the call of duty at the sim Commanding Officer level.

Command Excellence Medal

Awarded to Captain Dick Sprague for commanding 10 different IDF sims, including the USS Chuck Norris and USS Albion. Sprague not only holds the record for most commands, but also the most Genesis Awards (11). In addition, he ranks third all-time among sim COs for total posts (3,198). A thoroughly unconventional CO, his sims are always unique.

Awarded to Captain Rhenora Kaylen for commanding the USS Sunfire and USS Liberty. Arguably the greatest sim Commanding Officer in IDF history, her outstanding games have garnered community wide recognition, including the 2010 Simming Prize. Incredibly, she also ranks first all-time among COs in both total posts (8,195) and posting titles (39).

The Distinguished Service Medal is awarded for achievement above and beyond the call of duty at the Admiralty level.

Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded to Rear Admiral James “Rook” Mirtoh for serving as Director of Personnel from February 2020 through today. He has efficiently ensured that IDF regularly recognizes its crewmembers for their excellence in role playing, a feature not seen in many other fleets. He is always fair and his efforts showcase the best IDF has to offer.

Awarded to Admiral Ken Gillis for serving as Chief of Technology and Fleet Executive Officer from July 2020 through today. Not only does he expertly manage the fleet’s entire technology stack, but his wisdom and guidance in other areas of fleet operations have proven invaluable. He is the best fleet XO in simming, hands down.

Monthly Awards: November 2021

On this Christmas Eve, in addition to presenting our November awards, we wish everyone a festivus holiday season and a happy new year!

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Aiko Kato
Flight Control Officer
USS Washington

For “Unintended Consequences Part 3”

Lt. Kato wins for the second month in a row with a cool post about what it’s like to have extra sensory perceptions. Well done!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell & Capt. Rhenora Kaylen & Cmdr. Finchley Kerr & Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lt. Thriss Kla’ren & Lt. Dean House & Lt. Aurora Vali & Lt. JG Avarak & Harper McGinnis
CSS / CO / CSOO / XO / CEO / CTO / CC / CSO / Chef
USS Sunfire

For “Moving Out”

I’m a sucker for a well written bridge scene. This post does it right.

Funniest Post

Lieutenant Dean House
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Sunfire

For “Not Everything is Black and White”

Fun and heartwarming, with a little humor thrown in.


 Captain Shran dh’Klar
Commanding Officer
USS Washington

For “Righting Wrongs”

Gets the story going and leaves many openings for other players to take the story in different directions, everything a Genesis post should be.


Lieutenant Callie Raven-Grayson
Chief Counselor
USS Washington

The Washington’s Counselor has really came into her own, crafting in-depth posts that moved the story, included much of the crew, and created lots of personal development for both herself and others.

Most Posts

Lieutenant Shoniara T’ghann Dex
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Washington

For writing 13 posts.

Most Improved

Commander Finchley Kerr
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Sunfire

Finchley stepped up big by driving the plot forward, offering many valuable suggestions, and creating opportunities to engage the rest of the crew.

Rookie of the Month

None this month.


None this month.

Congratulations to our award winners. I’ll see you again in 2022!

Monthly Awards: July 2021

Last month may have been the earliest we’ve ever gotten the monthly awards out. This month, well, may be the latest. My apologies!

Speaking of last month, I want to offer my sincere thanks to Admirals Charles Star and Ken Gillis for all the hard work they put into our epic 20th anniversary. They hosted two really excellent events: the Science Fiction Trivia Day & Special Webcast, both which had real prizes… unlike these awards!

We also released two incredible products, a 20-page anniversary almanac & a congratulatory video message from Jonathan Frakes. What other fleet does that for its members?? That’s right, none! If you haven’t checked them out yet, do yourself a favor and do so now.

As we embark this month on our second 20 years, I think back to my earliest days in IDF. I wasn’t there for the fleet’s launch, but I joined soon after in October 2001 on the USS Washington. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” I had no idea back then what I was getting myself into, but golly has it been fun! Enough on me, time for the awards:

Best Post (Single Author)

Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Sunfire

For “Except for Monday”

Nice recap of events and a good bit of character development to boot!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Shran dh’Klar & Cmdr. Jonathan Grayson & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Ens. James Phoenix
CO / XO / CMO / TO
USS Washington

For “Boom Town”

Lots of action, lots of emotion, and some all around great Trek. Very good integration between contributions makes this seem like seamless writing as opposed to lots of different people tacking on to each other’s posts.

Funniest Post

Lt. Dean House & Capt. Rhenora Kaylen & Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell & Lt. JG Avarak
USS Sunfire

For “Weapons Go Boom! Pt 2”

Tactical map that looks like it was drawn by a three year old? Awesome.


None this month.


Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Sunfire

Another great month for the Sunfire, in no small part the work of Lt. Durnell, who took an idea and wrapped it into a myriad of stories that encompass every other member of the crew. The result: extremely well written collaborative stories.

Most Posts

Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Sunfire

For writing 31 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Aurora Vali
Chief Counselor
USS Sunfire

A great month for Lt. Vali. She doubled her posts from the previous month and added some absolutely stellar additions to some joint posts.

Rookie of the Month

Master Chief Petty Officer Alake Van Der Luan
USS Eminence

The Eminence’s new Master at Arms introduced himself to the rest of the crew and set himself up well for his upcoming first full month on the ship.


None this month.

… and the Adventure continues…

Monthly Awards: June 2021

I believe this is the earliest we’ve ever gotten the monthly awards out. Enjoy, but don’t expect it to ever happen again!

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Chester “Duo” Maxwell
Chief Security Officer
USS Sunfire

For “Old Wounds Pt.1”

An emotional and provocative post with great use of language to convey inner turmoil.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Rhenora Kaylen & Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lt. Cmdr. Sandra “Phantom” Risa & Lt. Dean House & Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell & Lt. Chester “Duo” Maxwell & Lt. Thriss Kla’ren & Lt. Aurora Vali & Lt. JG Avarak
USS Sunfire

For “Into the Wormhole”

An exciting pass through the Bajoran wormhole. Nice use of the entire bridge crew: This is what writing Trek is supposed to look like!

Funniest Post

Ensign James Phoenix
Tactical Officer
USS Washington

For “Shattered Past”

Not your typical Funniest Post winner, but it gets the job done very well.


Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Captain Sandy “Ghost” Shannon
Commanding Officer / Commanding Officer
USS Sunfire / USS Liberty

For “Genesis — Joint Mission” / “Genesis — Joint Mission”

An instant classic in IDF history, the Sunfire/Liberty crew swap begins.


Commander Jackson Andrews
Executive Officer
USS Albion

A prototypical XO, Andrews led his ship in posting and showed great leadership by nimbly playing off of the leads from other characters while simultaneously creating openings for others.

Most Posts

Lt. Chester “Duo” Maxwell
Chief Security Officer
USS Sunfire

For writing 13 posts.

Most Improved

Lt. Chester “Duo” Maxwell
Chief Security Officer
USS Sunfire

Returning to simming after a lengthy break, Maxwell rejoined the Sunfire and was a powerhouse all month. Initiating posts, working well with the existing crew, and being a general pleasure to role play with.

Rookie of the Month

Lieutenant JG Avarak
Chief Science Officer
USS Sunfire

Despite joining after the joint mission began, Avarak jumped straight into the fray, initiating several posts and participating in the ship-wide joints posts. A great first month!


No award this month. Get recruiting!

Another great month for our ships and the entire fleet. In other news, our 20th anniversary is just three days away! Also don’t forget to attend our special webcast on July 3rd. See you there!

Monthly Awards: April 2021

After our 20th Anniversary Trivia Day on Saturday with prizes, here are your April 2021 Monthly Awards, but unfortunately without prizes:

Best Post (Single Author)

Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Liberty

For “Time is 07 Hundred”

I love it! No one thinks about the mundane routine of a Starfleet officer and this one does that, with a lot of humor thrown in, along with a good plot hook. Well done!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Rhenora Kaylen & CPO Remal Kajun
CO / C
USS Liberty

For “Journey into Madness”

Very nice dialog & easy to read. The two of you write well together!

Funniest Post

 Lt. j.g. Travis Ryson
Chief Science Officer
USS Montana

For “Breaking the Fourth Wall”

Unusual use of camera looks and dream sequences. I like it!


Capt. Dick Sprague
Commanding Officer
USS Albion

For “The Undiscovered Starbase”

Just what a genesis post should be: Short, with lots of open ended things happening. This is what gets the creative writing juices flowing.


Cmdr. Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
Executive Officer
USS Liberty

The XO came up big again: developed our new mission, helped write the Genesis post, and continued to guide and steer the rest of the crew toward our desired outcomes. He is a continued credit to the ship & fleet.

Most Posts

Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Liberty

For writing 27 posts.

Most Improved

Lt. Dean House
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Liberty

Lt. House moved the storyline along quite well and also started a joint post to bring the crew together for some well needed off duty action–nicely done!

Rookie of the Month

Maj. Kaden Ross
Marine CO
USS Liberty

Major Ross jumped straight into the fray, getting involved with the current mission and establishing connections with the existing characters. He has already made a great impact on the Liberty in less than a month.


Lt. Aurora Vali
Chief Counselor
USS Liberty

For recruiting the Liberty’s new Marine Chief.

Keep up the great work as we head toward our actual 20th Anniversary this summer on July 4th.