Welcome to Independence Fleet

As of 00 hundred hours this morning, I have assumed command of Independence Fleet (IDF / IDFleet.com).  All active sims with the exception of the USS Sanctuary (NCC-2880) and the USS Chuck Norris (NCC-4005) are hereby released from the fleet and free to continue as independent games or to seek membership with other groups.  Additionally, all members of the Admiralty are also released from their duties with this fleet.

I have appointed Admiral Charles Star as Chief of Fleet Operations to assemble a new Admiralty and reorganize the fleet.  I’m also proud to announce that the USS Ganymede (NCC-80107) is launching for action today.

I know that none of you were expecting this.  I’m sorry.  I’m going to have you to ask you to grow up a little sooner than you expected.  Know that I have full confidence in you and every member of this fleet to continue role playing excellence.

Independence Fleet may be almost 19 years old, but I believe her best days are still ahead. Let’s role play!