James D. West Signing Off

Click here for a pdf copy of Fleet Admiral West’s message.

My fellow colleagues and simmers:

I am sure no one thought this day would come so soon. Even I am in disbelief that it is already here. But after conferring with members of the Admiralty and others in our simming community, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my retirement as Fleet Admiral/CinC of Independence Fleet, effective 0000 hours EST USA, Wednesday July 1st 2020.

It’s been an amazing journey since July 4th, 2001. I remember starting IDF with three ships and a handful of very dedicated simmers, most of which originated (like myself) from an older, defunct simming fleet. We made it work. And today it has grown into one of the premier online role playing communities on the web.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the tireless hard work and dedication by the Admiralty and Captains, as well as the simmers themselves who really make this happen. Without the talented writers in this group, there would be no community.

After my retirement I can think of no better officer than Charles Star to lead this fleet into the future as Commander-in-Chief. I have known Charles for over 20 years. We served on an old incarnation of the USS Sunfire; he as CMO and me as XO. This friendship would lead us to where we all are now.

Admiral Star has made this fleet his life’s work. When the rest of us had real-life issues keeping us from the simming world, Charles pressed on. He was there during all the difficult times and kept pressing forward, never losing sight of the future for our fleet.

Admiral Star will make one hell of a Commander-in-Chief, and will assume command of Independence Fleet at 0001 hours EST USA, Wednesday July 1st 2020.

As for me, I will continue simming in a non-administrative capacity, as a low-key but active character on one of our great Sims. This is not a retirement from simming. It is a retirement of the Admiralty, and leaving that aspect of our community in Admiral Starts capable hands.

Again, what an amazing journey it’s been.

My best,

Fleet Admiral James D. West

Major Awards Have Returned

It’s been almost four months since I assumed command of Independence Fleet back in February. It’s high time that we recognized some of the people who have made our resurgence possible. I hereby issue the following six citations:

The Excellence in Service Medal is hereby renamed the Command Excellence Medal. It is to be awarded for achievement above and beyond the call of duty at the sim Commanding Officer level.

Command Excellence Medal

Awarded to Captain Shane Youngblood for commanding the USS Chuck Norris from 2014 to 2020. Captain Youngblood kept IDF alive when its website went offline by having the Chuck Norris continue simming over email. For that action, IDF will be forever grateful.

Awarded to Colonel Steven MayTa Death for commanding the USS Sanctuary from 2012 to 2020. At the time of his transfer to fellow simming club UCIP, he was first all time in IDF with 89 command months. His tenure included 1,631 total posts and 17 posting titles.

Awarded to Captain Shran dh’Klar for commanding the USS Washington. As previously announced, Captain dh’Klar is now our Commanding Officer elder statesman with the all time lead in command months (90) and posting titles (26). He continues to be guiding light and example for his sim.

The Distinguished Service Medal is awarded for achievement above and beyond the call of duty at the Admiralty level.

Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded to Rear Admiral Sadie Stanton for her service as Director of Art. Creating an entirely new graphical design and feel for the IDF website, her creative vision has been invaluable in our second renaissance.

Awarded to Vice Admiral Ken Gillis for his service as Director of Technology. He built the entire new IDF website in record time and continues to manage a first-rate, fast, and error-free IT system.

Awarded to Admiral Charles Star for his service as Chief of Fleet Operations. The glue who puts it all together, he assembled the greatest staff this fleet has ever seen and continues to lead both here and in the community at large.

Just like the Monthly Awards, the Major Awards are now back too. If there’s a theme here, it’s the three Captains who bridged the gap from the old website and leadership to the new and the three Admirals who made what we have now possible. Thanks to all and I hope you continue to serve the fleet for many years to come.

The Hall of Fame is Back!

The IDF Hall of Fame is active once again. After an 8-0 vote of eligible voters, I hereby officially approve the latest amendment to the Hall of Fame charter, which re-activates the institution after it was suspended indefinitely in 2014. Look for us to take nominations later this spring for the 2020 class that will be inducted on our 19-year anniversary of July 4th.

Below you’ll find a list of all 20 current Hall of Fame members and the newly amended charter. It’s a great day to be in Independence Fleet!

Hall of Fame Inductees

Class of 2013

  • Captain Jasson Asuka
  • Lt. Cmdr. Seth Rain
  • Lt. Cmdr. Mira Rodale
  • Captain Alayne Tolbin
  • Commodore Zachari Vrona

Class of 2012

  • Lieutenant Airika Calhoun
  • Captain Ace Decade
  • Commander Paula Fredericks
  • Fleet Admiral Jeremiah Griffith
  • Admiral Richter Hiron

Class of 2011

  • Captain Julie Absecon
  • Commander Samira Barajas
  • Commander Entera Danae
  • Commander Ingoldo
  • Lt. Cmdr. Reggie “Big” Johnson
  • Rear-Admiral Henry “Hank” Logan
  • Captain Steve McCloud
  • Lt. Cmdr. Dick Phelps
  • Commander Kiara Rodale
  • Commander Tavik

Independence Fleet Hall of Fame Charter

I. Purpose

A. The Independence Fleet Hall of Fame shall recognize individuals for exemplary service or extraordinary contributions to the fleet.

II. Eligibility

A. Characters, not players, are to be inducted. Multiple characters from a single player are eligible.

B. Characters must be inactive for at least one year prior to induction.

C. Characters shall be inducted no more than once.

III. Process

A. Nominations shall be taken every May. Nominations may be made by anyone, regardless of rank or fleet affiliation. Self-nominations are permitted.

B. Voting shall take place every June, with each nominee receiving a separate vote. All Commanding Officers and active members of the Admiralty may cast one ballot (yea or nay) for each nominee. A player with multiple characters may cast no more than two ballots per nominee.

C. Characters receiving yeas for more than one-half of their ballots and finishing in the top five of the year’s nominees shall be inducted. Characters receiving more than one-half of the ballots cast, but not finishing in the top five of the year’s nominees shall be automatically re-nominated the following year. In the event of more than five nominees receiving the required votes for induction, tie-breakers for the final spots shall be determined by the Command-in-Chief to prevent more than five inductions in any cycle.

D. Characters inactive for more than ten years, regardless of nomination status, may be inducted by consensus decision from the Veterans Committee. All active members of the Admiralty shall serve on the Veterans Committee. Veterans Committee selections shall be capped at three inductions per cycle and shall not count toward the maximum of five from the standard selection process.

E. Inductions shall take place every July 4th. All inductions are final and shall not be overturned.

IV. Amendment

A. Changes to this charter must be approved by at least two-thirds of eligible voters and Independence Fleet’s Commander-in-Chief.

B. Amendments shall not be proposed in May, June, or July.

Welcome to Independence Fleet

As of 00 hundred hours this morning, I have assumed command of Independence Fleet (IDF / IDFleet.com).  All active sims with the exception of the USS Sanctuary (NCC-2880) and the USS Chuck Norris (NCC-4005) are hereby released from the fleet and free to continue as independent games or to seek membership with other groups.  Additionally, all members of the Admiralty are also released from their duties with this fleet.

I have appointed Admiral Charles Star as Chief of Fleet Operations to assemble a new Admiralty and reorganize the fleet.  I’m also proud to announce that the USS Ganymede (NCC-80107) is launching for action today.

I know that none of you were expecting this.  I’m sorry.  I’m going to have you to ask you to grow up a little sooner than you expected.  Know that I have full confidence in you and every member of this fleet to continue role playing excellence.

Independence Fleet may be almost 19 years old, but I believe her best days are still ahead. Let’s role play!