It’s time to announce our latest award winners…
Best Post (Single Author)

Commander Jonathan Grayson
Executive Officer
USS Washington
Well written post from the bad guys’ point of view! It really moves the plot forward and gives the rest of the crew ample opportunity to write. Nice work!
Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Akeno Misaki & Cmdr. Mashiro Munetani “Shiro” & Lt. Cmdr. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Cmdr. Mark Johnson & Lt. Ileah & Lt. Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok
USS Wayfarer
For “Wayfarer Down”
Great post! The crew defeated by the enemy with no hope of escape. I love it!
Funniest Post

Lt. Bonnie “Bon-Bon” Durnell & Patin & Cmdr. Dean House & Lt. Thriss Kla’ren & Lt. Chester “Duo” Maxwell & Lt. T’Ka O’Drisscol & Lt. JG S’Ers-a Kelek t’LyrZor, Maa t’Lyr’Zor & Lt. JG Montgomery Vala & Lt. JG Zara Ghemora & 1st Lt. Kate Score & Lt. JG Blake Leone & Ens. Syrik & Lt. Thomas Haldeman & Lt. Alison Haldeman & SCPO Ronson Mitchell
CSS / Guest / 2O / CEO / COO / CMO / CRO / CSO / CIO / MCO / DO / FCO / CDO / ACOO / Y
USS Sunfire
Lots of jokes. Well done!

Captain Michael Intermeezo
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris
Not your typical mirror universe mission. Great opportunities here!

Lieutenant Steve Ryan
Chief Communications and Operations Officer
USS Montana
Lt. Ryan continued his Most Improved performance last month into an MVP this month. Great posting and great collaboration. But perhaps most importantly, he is always willing to fill in where needed.
Most Posts

Lt. Cmdr. Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris
For writing 30 posts.
Most Improved

S’Ers-a ch’T’Pel Kelek t’LyrZor, Maa t’Lyr’Zor
Chief Security Officer
USS Sunfire
Sera immediately jumped into the fray and made valuable contributions to both the plot and the characters.
Rookie of the Month

Lieutenant Tedrum Savat
Operations Officer
USS Washington
The new Vulcan came aboard as an immediate team player by jumping right into the mission with excellent technical and canonical contributions.

Lieutenant Katja Becker
Chief Medical Officer
USS Montana
Although new to the sim herself, Lt. Becker wasted no time in recruiting a new Chief Engineer. Recruiting the bedrock of simming, well done!
Great job, fleet!