This section may be familiar to those of you who have been with Independence Fleet for long time. We even did a whole group interview over at Ongoing Worlds back on Star Trek’s 50th Anniversary. For those who might be new, this is where we interview a fleet member about their favorite Star Trek episode, some other Trek-related items, and now even some non-Trek topics.
As Director of Media, Rear Admiral Bolak will be conducting these and more moving forward. I think he even has a few ideas on how to change them up a bit. I can’t wait to see what he has planned!
Until then, I thought Director of Art Rear Admiral Sadie Stanton would be a good place to start. She’s the creative force behind all of our graphics and the general artistic theme of the fleet. Doesn’t the site look great! Since she’s done so much with the visual, why not give her the change to share her words too? Here’s Sadie Stanton…

Name: Sadie Stanton
Rank: Rear Admiral
Sim: N/A
Position: Director of Art
Favorite Star Trek episode? “In the Pale Moonlight”
Why? I love the drama. I love Avery’s delivery, and the way he and Robinson bounce off each other.
Favorite Star Trek series? Deep Space 9
Why? Again, drama. I LOVE a good overreaching plot arc, and I like seeing a grittier side of Trek.
Favorite Star Trek film? IV or VI. I’m not sure.
Why? I love the whales and the humor of IV, but I like the mystery of VI.
Favorite Star Trek Captain? Sisko when I’m watching DS9; Janeway when I’m watching VOY.
What year did you start simming? 2001
What sim was it? USS Cortez
What keeps you simming today? I love to write. I love the interaction and the stories.
Favorite non-simming hobby? There’s other hobbies?
Favorite non-Trek series? That’s a hard one… Depends on the day you ask me.
Favorite non-Trek film? No way I can choose.
Favorite book (fiction or non)? The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie
Favorite video game? I don’t have time for video games much these days.
Favorite musician or band? Within Temptation
Favorite superhero? Black Widow
If you could have any super power, what would it be? I honestly don’t know.
Favorite sport? I watch college football on rare occasion.
Favorite team? UCONN Huskies Women’s Basketball
Favorite food? I like a good steak and potato dish.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
Lennon or McCartney? Don’t care…
Jordan or LeBron? Jordan
Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Trek
Rank the Trek TV shows from best to worst. DS9 -> VOY -> TNG -> ENT -> TOS. I don’t watch DSC or Orville. I haven’t gotten to Picard yet.
Rank the Trek movies from best to worst. G, FC, I, TVH, TUC, TFF, TWOK, Abrams, N, TSFS, TMP, B, ID
Was this too many questions? Yes. I didn’t like the ranking thing. 😛
Sadie Stanton, everyone!

Alex says:
Go Sadie!
Brant says:
Good post!
Thomas W says:
Nice to “meet” you.