My Favorite Trek: Jonathan Grayson / Savar

Character Name: Jonathan Grayson / Savar cha’Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Rank: Commander / Commander

Sim: USS Washington / USS Sunfire

Position: Executive Officer / Executive Officer 

Lt. Thomas Haldeman, USS Sunfire, Chief Diplomatic Officer (NPC)
Lt. Jessica Holland, USS Sunfire, Security Officer (NPC)
Crewman John Boy Perriwinlke, USS Sunfire, Media Relations Officer (NPC)
Lt. Wyatt Steele, USS Washington, Chief Strategic Ops Officer (NPC)
Lt.jg. Ben Dalton, USS Washington, Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist
Lt. Seth Travis, USS Washington, Chief Diplomatic Officer (NPC)

Wow, how do you keep up, and how many times have you posted for one character while intending on posting for another?
lol. It can be a challenge at times, but they are all diverse characters so that helps. I have started to post one character for another, but I’ve caught myself before actually sending it. At least I hope I have!

Favorite Star Trek episode? 
The Doomsday Machine (TOS)

Great character study with William Windom playing the guilt ridden Commodore Decker who wants to avenge his crew by destroying his Moby Dick.

Favorite Star Trek series? 
The Original Series

It was new and exciting, a trailblazer for all the other Trek series and movies that followed.

Favorite Star Trek film?
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Great storyline, plus the incomparable Ricardo Montalban returning as Khan.

Favorite Star Trek Captain? 
James T. Kirk, all the way.

What year did you start simming? 
Since dirt came into being. lol.

What sim was it? 
Continuing Voyages

What keeps you simming today? 
The interaction with the other players and writing, seeing, and reading the amazing stories that are created.

Favorite non-simming hobby? 
Building models, reading, writing Trek. 

Favorite non-Trek series? 
Babylon Five

Favorite non-Trek film? 
Planet of the Apes

Favorite book (fiction or non)? 
To Kill a Mockingbird

Favorite video game? 
Don’t have one, sorry.

Favorite musician or band? 
The Beatles

Favorite superhero? 
Green Lantern

If you could have any super power, what would it be? 
Whoa, good question. I guess the power to bend or manipulate time.

Favorite sport? 

Favorite team? 
New York Yankees

Favorite food? 

Coke or Pepsi? 

Lennon or McCartney? 

Favorite Bond actor? 
Sean Connery, followed by Daniel Craig.

Star Trek or Star Wars? 
Star Trek, no question about it.

Rank the Trek TV shows from best to worst.
I don’t rank the animated shows.

Rank the Trek movies from best to worst.
Wrath of Khan, Voyage Home, Search for Spock, Undiscovered Country, Star Trek the movie and Final Frontier. Then, the TNG movies. I don’t count the Abrams movies.
Then the TNG movies. I don’t count the Abrams movies.

Rear Admiral James “Rook” Mirtoh
Director of Media
Independence Fleet

My Favorite Trek: Jackson Adams

Character Name: Jackson Adams

Rank: Captain

Sim: USS Montana 

Position: Commanding Officer 

Favorite Star Trek episode? 
This is a toss up between three shows. 
1) TOS: “Mirror, Mirror”
2) ENT: “Broken Bow”
3) DSC: “Such Sweet Sorrow”

In my opinion, all three of these episodes embodied the idealism that Gene Rodenberry desired to impart on Star Trek Fans (and really the world).   

Favorite Star Trek series? 
This is also a toss up between The Original Series and Enterprise. 

The original series was Gene’s original vision, and I grew up watching them repeatedly. Today, I own a particular Blu-ray set that is just great. On the other hand, Enterprise took us to a place we never thought possible at the time: the beginnings of the Federation. Enterprise reminded us that the start of something grand, rather it be a country or an ideal, is not always clean. There are messes and growing pains.

Along this line of thinking, Captain Archer learned that not everything was clear cut and the world was not as he thought. We, as humans, tend to think we are usually correct, and this series reminds us that (at times) we must expand our thinking to grow and accept the changes around us. I am not good with change, but–as crazy as it seems—sometimes I think, “If Captain Archer could change, so can I.” That is the beauty of Star Trek; it challenges OUR outlooks on life and causes us, at times, to question it. This is what, in my opinion, Gene Roddenberry wanted for the fans of this beautiful show. 

Favorite Star Trek film? 
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Put simply, I think Star Trek II challenged the world view on growing older and, of course, death. It reminds us, as Spock said in Star Trek VI, that everything changes and ends. While Star Trek found away to save Spock, Kirk had to deal with his own ideals on life, death, and even family. This movie was, in my humble opinion, Star Trek at its best. That is why this film will always live in my heart. 

Favorite Star Trek Captain? 
Again, a toss up between Captain Archer and Kirk. 

What year did you start simming? 
I have been simming off and on since about 1992. 

What sim was it? 
Starships of the Third Fleet. The people which ran that club have since passed on and, if I had it my way, I would purchase it from their son. There is a site for them now, and they even have some of the old missions posted but the club is mostly gone. It is sad because I had a lot of fun there. 

What keeps you simming today? 
I enjoy the vision of Star Trek and the ideal of escaping life in the real world, even for just a few minutes at a time, has an appeal to me. 

Favorite non-simming hobby? 
Running. I do a lot of this today and I seem to be increasing as time goes along. Staying health became a mission of mine about a year ago and I have lost a lot of weight. I plan to keep moving down that path. 

Favorite non-Trek series? 
There are really three of them: (1) Quantum Leap, (2) the Original Law and Order, and (3) Knight Rider. 

Favorite non-Trek film? 
The Beverly Hills Cop Series. I have owned those movies for years, and I even went to the expense of purchasing them in 4K this year. Not many non-science fiction shows are worth purchasing in 4K but these series of movies are beautiful in this new format. 

Favorite book (fiction or non)? 
Fiction: The Rise of the Federation Series (if you have not read them, you are truly missing out). 

Favorite video game? 
I do not have one as gamming is not really my thing. 

Favorite musician or band? 
80’s music. I was born in the 70s and raised in the 80s. To me, the 80’s was a special time that is forever gone. 

Favorite superhero? 

If you could have any super power, what would it be? 
The ability to read minds. I hate it when I walk up on people and they stop talking. I would love to saying something like, “Yeah, I agree with you about….”

Favorite sport? 
Football, although I have not kept up with it the last few years. 

Favorite team? 

Favorite food? 
Mexican Food. 

Coke or Pepsi? 
Of course, Diet Pepsi….

Lennon or McCartney? 

Favorite Bond actor? 
Roger Moore

Star Trek or Star Wars? 
Star Trek 

Rank the Trek TV shows from best to worst.

Rank the Trek movies from best to worst.
ST (2009)

My Favorite Trek: Dean House

In our continued series of My Favorite Trek, I have had the delight of interviewing Dean House of the USS Sunfire. Let’s have a look at the starship Sunfire’s Chief Tactical Officer, currently Acting Executive Officer.

Name: Dean House (aka Angelus)
Rank: Commander
Sim: USS Sunfire
Position: Chief Tactical Officer
Other Characters: N/A

Favorite Star Trek episode? “Lower Decks” Star Trek: The Next Generation. Season 7, Episode 15
Why? It’s something that always hit just right. We always know, any of the shows have the main characters and most of the time show cases them. Even though there’s always extras. However, that episode was something that was needed. While the ending was definitely sad. The writing as excellent. Show casing what the ones that actually keep things going do. Their internal struggles, their insecurities. What they want to strive to be. It was a hard choice between this one or “Yesterday’s Enterprise,” but “Lower Decks” wins hands down.
Favorite Star Trek series? Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Why? While I was introduced to TOS in syndicate by my mother, and grandmother. TNG was really more of what I came into when I was a little older and it definitely helped me to work through awkwardness in middle school. Associating more with Wesley Crusher than the other characters. Or maybe Data a little. I’m aware that he gets a bad rap but that’s not really the characters fault really.
Favorite Star Trek film? Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Why? There’s a lot of controversy over this one. It doesn’t have the greatest writing. The directing was okay. Nothing to write home about. The best thing about it I look at is its underlying message trying to be relayed. Or at least in my opinion. It’s not about Sybok trying to find Sha’kar’ri(or God.) I mean yes, that’s part of the plot. I always have believed it’s all about family. The relationships, the turmoil that they’ve all endured. Life, death, life. How through no matter what, they are always a family and always will be. Family isn’t about blood. Even when Bones always gets mad at Spock and says “You green blooded…in human…(enter explicative here.) We don’t choose our family; we are brought together. That’s the real premise of the movie. In my opinion.
Favorite Star Trek Captain? Always and will always be Kirk.

  • What year did you start simming? 1995.
  • What sim was it? USS Cortez, Email based in UCIP.
  • What keeps you simming today? Stories, the people, the relationships formed between strangers with a common love for a genre. Seeing what else people come up with.
  • Favorite non-simming hobby? [I]Have to go with Video Games. Though I’d love to get back into modeling (plastic ships and the like.)
  • Favorite non-Trek series? Supernatural.
  • Favorite non-Trek film? I have to go with Evolution (2001, David Duchovny) because it was the last movie that I got to go to an actual theatre to with my grandmother and she absolutely loved it, and so do I.
  • Favorite book (fiction or non)? Both fiction and non-fiction.
  • Favorite video game? [The] Final Fantasy Series and Resident Evil Series
  • Favorite musician or band? Non-committal.
  • Favorite superhero? Superman.
  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Telepathy.
  • Favorite sport? [I’m] not big into sports, but I guess….Hockey.
  • Favorite team? The Dallas Cowboys.
  • Favorite food? My Deanwiches.
  • Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi.
  • Lennon or McCartney? [I] Don’t particularly care either way
  • Favorite James Bond actor? Sir Sean Connery.
  • Star Trek or Star Wars? Both, for different reasons. Star Trek has more of the base of equality and what this world, universe should be. While Star Wars has lightsabers and I love flying and space combat (lol).

Rank the Trek TV shows from best to worst. TNG / TOS / ENT / DSN / VOY / PIC / DSC
Rank the Trek movies from best to worst. TFF / TWOK / TVH / TUC / TSFS / FC / G / N / I / TMP / ST (2009) / ID / B
Was this too many questions? No.

Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity to get to know you better. We now have a nice insight into the sort of Star Trek that you like. Good luck and safe voyages with the USS Sunfire.

My Favorite Trek: Heather Meadows

Not only is this the latest edition of My Favorite Trek, but it’s also announcement time: Commodore Heather Meadows hereby joins us today as our new Director of Media. Her main responsibilities will be My Favorite Trek interviews and other blog & media content. She has a long and distinguished simming career, frequently filling roles similar to this, that goes back two decades now. Without any further ado, let’s meet Commodore Heather Meadows…

Name: Heather Meadows
Rank: Commodore
Sim: N/A
Position: Director of Media
Other Characters: Lieutenant Tosh Tarkin of the USS Eminence

Favorite Star Trek episode? It is incredibly difficult to narrow Star Trek down to one favorite episode. However, I will go with “Measure of a Man” from Star Trek: The Next Generation’s second season.
Why? The writer of this episode is Melinda Snodgrass, an accomplished science fiction author, but has a background in law. She earned her Juris Doctor from University of Mexico School of Law. Snodgrass’ knowledge of law applied to the science fiction setting of Gene Rodenberry’s 24th century brings about a thorough discussion of morality, ethics, and what constitutes sentient life.
Favorite Star Trek series? Alas, a continuation of a predicament that places a fan in a tug-of-war within a wonderful franchise. Star Trek: The Next Generation has the best cast, but my personal favorite is Star Trek: Voyager.
Why? When measuring each series and comparing/contrasting them, Star Trek: Voyager edges out the others for me on a personal level because the premise was good, the pilot was interesting, and the first season was solid. Where other series needed time to grow and develop (surpassing Voyager even), Voyager as a series did not need to go through the same growing pains.
Favorite Star Trek film? This would be Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home for me.
Why? This is probably one of the more divisive films because of the plot and humor. I, however, greatly enjoy both the plot and the infusion of humor throughout the movie. The 1980s was a quirky time and having Kirk and the crew travel back to this period of time in Earth’s history worked out well because the actors were contemporary during the time. This made for sharper writing than having them sent back to say the 1880s. Environmental conversation is also something that is very important to me, and that is essentially at the core of this film.
Favorite Star Trek Captain? Most people have the ongoing battle of Kirk or Picard, but mine is actually a struggle between Picard or Janeway. Any given day, it could go either way for me, but I will go with Captain Kathryn Janeway. She adjusted to the situation that she found herself in, and part of that adjustment meant being more than just the Captain – Janeway had to become softer and more integrated with her crew, especially because there’s a huge difference between a Galaxy class starship and an Intrepid class.

  • What year did you start simming? I started simming in 2002 which does indeed feel like a million years ago because things were different back then.
  • What sim was it? It was Dowding Station, a space station sim and it was not part of a fleet. I actually spent about eight or nine years, strictly on the independent scene before setting foot in a fleet.
  • What keeps you simming today? I actually don’t write (simming) as much these days, but I do keep involved with the simming community. I stay involved because I like being a mentor and helping new COs (Game Managers) find their confidence and get into their groove.
  • Favorite non-simming hobby? I actually am a bit Neelix myself. I enjoy cooking and baking (hate the cleaning) and experimenting with recipes.
  • Favorite non-Trek series? That would probably be Buffy the Vampire Slayer because it’s a relatively timeless piece that has embedded itself into pop culture, and it is a series that any writer, director, or producer could learn a lot from.
  • Favorite non-Trek film? North by Northwest because I love James Bond, and though this is not a ‘Bond Film’ it still has the feel of one, and it is a well written film. It certainly is rightfully a classic.
  • Favorite book (fiction or non)? I’m going to give a quick shoutout to Nightshade, a Star Trek novel by Laurell K. Hamilton because Star Trek books do not get enough attention. However, because I am a literary geek, Frankenstein by Marry Shelly is my favorite book.
  • Favorite video game? I really don’t do gamming aside from auto racing games and such. Though I thoroughly enjoyed the Uncharted series and Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order.
  • Favorite musician or band? The Cranberries (Yes, the band known for “Linger” and “Zombie”) as I loved the Singer (she passed away a few years ago) and the band had a lot of gems of songs that weren’t hits or singles.
  • Favorite superhero? Nightcrawler from the X-Men.
  • If you could have any super power, what would it be? I would take telepathy though it would literally be a headache. The ability to know what people are truly thinking is alluring as you’d get them in their truest form.
  • Favorite sport? I’m an auto racing and motorsports person. Be that Formula 1, IndyCar, or NASCAR.
  • Favorite team? Team Penske
  • Favorite food? Pretty much all of it though I am fond of Tacos, Pide, and Malai Kofta.
  • Coke or Pepsi? I reject your binary cola thinking and insert my own. Royal Crown (RC Cola). However, I am less of a ‘cola’ person and more of a: Moxie, Dr. Pepper, birch beer, root beer, sarsaparilla, and cream soda person.
  • Lennon or McCartney? Let’s just say I am not a Beatles person.
  • Jordan or LeBron? Basketball – Nope.
  • Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Trek because it was less action and more philosophical.

Rank the Trek TV shows from best to worst. VOY / TNG / DSN / ENT / TOS / PIC / DSC
Rank the Trek movies from best to worst. TVH / FC / TUC / TWOK / I / G / TSFS / N / TFF / ID / B / TMP / ST (2009)
Was this too many questions? Not at all. It was a nice opportunity for people to get dome insight into me from a Trek perspective. I welcome any questions they may have.

Let’s all give Commodore Meadows a warm welcome!

My Favorite Trek: Jackson Andrews

Let me welcome our newest guest on My Favorite Trek…

Character: Jackson Andrews

Rank: Commander

Sim: USS Albion

Position: Executive Officer

Other Characters: Ensign James Phoenix (USS Washington), Lieutenant Thriss Kla’ren (USS Sunfire), Lieutenant Raelyn Mckenzie (USS Wayfarer), Lieutenant JG Travis Ryson (USS Montana) & Ensign Jack Keegan (USS Chuck Norris)

Favorite Star Trek episode? This is a hard one, but I’d have to go with The Best of Both Worlds Parts One and Two.

Why? This is something I genuinely enjoy about many shows and Trek, but I really liked how it showed different possibilities of what could have happened. For example, the promotion of different officers, Picard’s possible fate, etc. I also like how it slightly segues into future TNG episodes.

Favorite Star Trek series? If the last question wasn’t clear, Star Trek: The Next Generation is by far one of my favorites. But I also enjoy most of the other shows that take place in the 24th century. Most notably: Star Trek DS9 and Voyager.

Why? I like how it shows how far the Trek Universe had advanced since The Original Series. It also vastly explored what Starfleet expanded to. Who wouldn’t like to explore the universe on a big Galaxy Class ship?

Favorite Star Trek film? Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home

Why? Multiple reasons, actually. It felt more laid-back than many other Trek films. It was cool seeing a legendary cast go back in time to the 80s, which was the present day when the film was released. Plus, Kirk and Spock’s “Colorful Metaphors” were enjoyable to watch too.

Favorite Star Trek Captain? Honestly, it’s a hard decision. But if I could give an answer at this moment in time, I’d have to say Janeway. Even if she broke the Prime Directive a few different times, she had to make tough calls for her crew. Not only that but she is a fellow coffee drinker. However, I am salty that she never promoted Harry Kim.

What year did you start simming? I started simming in 2020. I know that it’s far from as long as many of the others have been simming. However, before I was doing simming, I roleplayed constantly on various video games, and other forms of entertainment. I had been looking for a way to roleplay Trek when I came across the world of simming.

What sim was it? My first sim was one of IDF’s finest, the USS Washington.

What keeps you simming today? Today, what keeps me simming is the strive to know what happens next in the story, whether it’s small or large. So essentially, it’s the story that keeps me going.

Favorite non-simming hobby? I have many different hobbies outside of simming, especially, watching various shows, including Trek. However, I have a big passion for cars. I genuinely love the automotive world.

Favorite non-Trek series? Right now, it’s probably the new Magnum P.I series.

Favorite non-Trek film? This is a hard one, because I actually have two: Unstoppable and Need for Speed.

Favorite book (fiction or non)? I don’t necessarily have a favorite right now, but I have been reading the Star Trek novel, The Dark Veil. I also enjoy reading the Harry Potter Series.

Favorite video game? Honestly, while I have the games I constantly return to, like the Forza Games, I played and finished Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. It is by far one of the best story games I have played so far. That’s not to say that it will change. But hey, I’m a sucker for story games.

Favorite musician or band? Linkin Park is by far my favorite, but I also like Greenday, Foo Fighters, and pretty much anything that is rock, or alt rock.

Favorite superhero? Probably Spider-Man at the moment, because I can relate to him the most.

If you could have any super power, what would it be? Teleportation

Favorite sport? Anything to do with motorsports, mostly with cars.

Favorite team? McLaren F1

Favorite food? Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches

Coke or Pepsi?  Pepsi

Lennon or McCartney? Lennon

Jordan or LeBron? Jordon

Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Trek

Rank the Trek TV shows from best to worst. DSN, TNG, VOY, ENT, PIC, DSC, TOS

Rank the Trek movies from best to worst. TVH, FC, TWOK, I, G, N, ST (2009), ID, TUC, B, TFF, TMP, TSFS

Was this too many questions? No.

Commander Jackson Andrews, and all his other characters, everyone!

The Captain’s Chair: Emmalyn Marcus

Welcome to the Captain’s Chair, Captain Marcus. Please input your details into the data pad before we begin...

Name: Emmalyn Marcus

Rank: Captain

Position: Commanding Officer

Fleet Sim: USS Montana

Thank you, Captain. So let’s get started with your favorite Captain. Whose chair are you sitting in today?

Obviously James T. Kirk’s. I think that Kirk is the very embodiment of human nature.  He is compassionate towards others, something few humans have mastered.  Second, he’s reckless, but again that’s a human thing.

Very interesting. Does that make The Original Series your favourite or is there another?

Yes, that it is my all-time favorite.  However, I also love Star Trek Discovery as well. 

Do you have a favourite episode?

As of right now it’s Miri, s1e8, believe.

How about the movies, which is the best one?

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.  

And the worst?

Generations… Kirk falling off a rock, come on!

How’s your Captain’s chair by the way? Comfortable?

It’s great.  Very Comfy.

Good, good. How about the ship? Are we on the Montana or would you prefer another? You can have anything you like, we have a huge imaginary budget.

I enjoy it, lol.  Honestly I like the style of the ships from the 60’s. 

Absolutely! When did you start simming?

A little over a year ago. 

And what was your first sim?

USS Chuck Norris

What keeps you interested?

Complex plots.

What about real life? What else do you enjoy doing?

Being lazy, writing, video games. Oh, and being lazy.

I take it you’re a Montana fan given the ship we’re on. What else are you into besides that and Star Trek?

I love Sci-Fi. I also love U.S. history, specifically WW II. 

And at the Movies?

Back to the Future, Tron, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, anything with Tim Allen, James Bond movies, and the Mission Impossible series. 

Time for the quick fire round now before go to warp. Are you ready?


Favorite book? The Giver

Favorite video game? Super Mario Bros. 3

Favorite musician or band? David Bowie

Favorite superhero? Doctor Strange 

If you could have any super power, what would it be? Duh Magic.

Favorite sport? Basketball 

Favorite team? Utah Jazz

Favorite food? Sushi

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Lennon or McCartney? Lennon

Star Trek or Star Wars? Trek, obviously.

Jordan or Lebron? Jordan

Excellent! Thank you for sitting in the Captain’s Chair. It’s been a pleasure to get to know a little more about you today. Emmalyn Marcus (aka John Wyatt of the USS Chuck Norris & Spivick of the USS Albion), everyone!

My Favorite Trek: Aurther Winters

It’s that time again as we reach out into the community and ask one of our esteemed members about their “Favorite Trek.” Aurther comes to us after a break from the simming world and we are overjoyed to have him back.

Aurther cut his teeth back in 2003 when he was recruited into his first Sim through a college message board. So started the adventures of James Sullivan on the USS Dragon in IDF. From lowly Ensign to Chief Engineer James rose through the ranks until that thing we call “a life” dragged him away.

But the call of Captain Youngblood of the USS Chuck Norris called him back again to engage in technobabble once more, a language in which Aurther is quite fluent. Alas life struck again and Aurther went of to live it for several years before recently stumbling on an invite to returned to his old stomping ground to Trek once more!

Now a proud father of a beautiful 8 week old daughter and a man with a little extra time on his hands (or perhaps better time management skills) he has returned to the Chuck Norris and Independence Fleet to which he has remained loyal all these years!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Aurther and his Favorite Trek :

Name: Aurther Winters

Rank: Commander

Sim: USS Chuck Norris

Position: Executive Officer

Favorite Star Trek episode? Darmok

Why? This was in the height of the TNG best writing and acting. The plot and the messages that came out of it were some of the best. The premise of being able to speak the same language but not the same language is a dynamic I don’t think is often explored enough.

Favorite Star Trek series? The Next Generation

Why? It expanded what was originally set out in TOS, but the stoy and acting was far superior. It also laid out the groundwork and subplots for would would come later in different series. Also I feel like there is nothing more iconic then then the Enterprise-D.

Favorite Star Trek film? First Contact

Why? As much as I love how Iconic the Enterprise-D was, when the Enterprise-E made the scene I was in love. As a fan of the ships on Star Trek this was one where there was just so many to see and like. This one also had a good fee call backs well also being interesting and showing us all where the line is. Here. No further! *Insert smashing glass scene*

Favorite Star Trek Captain? Captain Picard

What year did you start simming? 2004

What sim was it? USS Dragon

What keeps you simming today? Keeping the writing skills and imagination up, and love of Star Trek

Favorite non-simming hobby? Hockey

Favorite non-Trek series? The Orville

Favorite non-Trek film? Ghostbusters

Favorite book (fiction or non)? Redshirts

Favorite video game? Halo

Favorite musician or band? Greenday

Favorite superhero? Captain Canuck

If you could have any super power, what would it be? Don’t know if you would call it a superpower, but being able to understand and speak every language 

Favorite sport? Hockey

Favorite team? Colorado Avalanche

Favorite food? Tacos

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

Lennon or McCartney? Lennon

Jordan or LeBron? Jordan

Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Trek

Rank the Trek TV shows from best to worst.  The Next Generation (1987–1994) Original Series (1966–1969) Discovery (2017–present) Picard (2020–present) Orville (2017)   Enterprise (2001–2005)      Deep Space Nine (1993–1999)   Voyager (1995–2001)    

Rank the Trek movies from best to worst.   II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)    IV: The Voyage Home (1986) III: The Search for Spock (1984) The Motion Picture (1979) V: The Final Frontier (1989) First Contact (1996) Generations (1994) Nemesis (2002) Insurrection (1998) Star Trek (2009) Into Darkness (2013) Beyond (2016)

Was this too many questions? I mean by the end I thought you might have been asking for my shoe size, but I think this was a good amount.

Fantastic Aurther please take a bow and everyone else have a great Easter weekend!

The Captain’s Chair: Bolak

As most of you already know, Rear Admiral Bolak is our new Director of Media. When I first told him of the old My Favorite Treks we used to do, he immediately came up with this new format. As a result, I can’t claim to be the brilliance behind it. Expect him to do a mix of My Favorite Treks and Captain’s Chairs moving forward. In the meantime, here’s Bolak…

Welcome to the Captain’s Chair, Mr. Bolak. Please input your details into the data pad before we begin.

Name: Bolak

Rank: Rear Admiral

Position: Director of Media

Fleet Sim: Currently None

Thank you, Rear Admiral. So let’s get started with your favorite Captain. Whose chair are you sitting in this evening? 

“It has to be Picard’s. Sorry Kirk but despite the off screen tiff with James Corden Picard is class in a glass, and man he even has his own series now and it is fantastic. Q and I agree that Picard is our man!”

Does that make TNG your favourite series or is there another?

“TNG all the way. It’s the series of my youth and contains a whole bunch of my favourite personalities and story arcs. Also for me it brings more breadth and depth to the star trek universe than any other series in the franchise.”

Do you have a favorite episode?

“Now that’s a tough question, there are so many! Let’s go with Q Who… Why? Not only is it action packed, With a healthy dose of our friendly neighbourhood Q. This is where we meet the Borg for the first time! Fantastic. This is where shit got real for the Federation.”

How about the movies, which is the best one?

“Come on… Wrath of Khan all the way! Isn’t that everyone’s favourite? Notice I said favourite, not favorite. It’s like the Empire Strikes Back of the Star Trek universe. Dark and gritty with some amazing action scenes and even a smattering of Shakespeare.”

Good choice, and the worst?

“The Undiscovered Country. Oh Sybok, if only Deadpool would cross the multiverse and shoot you in the head at the start of the movie to save us from what follows. It’s just utter mush.”

Wow ok, so not a fan of The Undiscovered Country. Noted! How’s Picard’s chair by the way? Comfortable?


Good, good. How about the ship? Are we on the Enterprise-D or would you prefer another? You can have anything you like, we have a huge imaginary budget.

“Can I have a Firefly?”

Darn right you can!


When did you start simming Bolak?


And what was your first Sim? 

“I started off with a Stargate Destiny game on Ongoing worlds. It was great fun but only had a few players so it eventually fizzled. I took a small break then before returning with a few games of my own that I still mod today.”

What keeps you interested?

“I’ve just always wanted to write and I am a huge fan of role play games. This is just the perfect hobby for me. I love the communities I write with and have had the honour to write with some amazingly talented people.”

Me being one of them of course?

“Erm, yes of course.”

What about real life? What else do you enjoy doing?

“Minecraft is my guilty pleasure, as well as working through my out of control Steam Collection. Damn you Humble Bundle why are you so cheap! Between work and the kids I don’t have time for a whole lot else.”

It take it you’re a Firefly fan given the ship we’re on. What else are you into besides that and Star Trek?

“Yeah Firefly is amazing. I am a massive Buffy and Angel fan as well.”

And at the Movies?

“Ok so let’s put Star Wars, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings on the shelf because that’s too easy. I’ll also pop Shawshank up there next to them because damn that movie is a masterpiece. I am going to go with… Barbarella. That movie is bubble gum for my brain. Jane we salute you!”

Time for the quick fire round now before go to warp.

“I am pretty sure the Firefly is a sub-lightspeed vessel so capable of warp.” 

Don’t be pedantic.


Quickfire round. Are you ready?


  • Favorite book? – Mere Christianty by CS Lewis
  • Favorite video game? – Minecraft or anything in the ElderScrolls universe
  • Favorite musician or band? – Pixies
  • Favorite superhero? – Hell Boy
  • If you could have any super power, what would it be? – Good Luck
  • Favorite sport? – Bloodbowl 
  • Favorite team? – Greenfield Grasshuggers
  • Favorite food? – Tandoori Chicken
  • Coke or Pepsi? – Coke
  • Lennon or McCartney? – Lennon
  • Star Trek or Star Wars? – Star Wars (Wait do I get fired now?)
  • Jordan or Lebron? – Jordan

Excellent! Thank you for sitting in the Captain’s Chair. It’s been a pleasure to get to know a little more about you today.

Bolak, everyone!

I’m not sure if I was conducting that interview or if it was this. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed it!

My Favorite Trek: Sadie Stanton

This section may be familiar to those of you who have been with Independence Fleet for long time. We even did a whole group interview over at Ongoing Worlds back on Star Trek’s 50th Anniversary. For those who might be new, this is where we interview a fleet member about their favorite Star Trek episode, some other Trek-related items, and now even some non-Trek topics.

As Director of Media, Rear Admiral Bolak will be conducting these and more moving forward. I think he even has a few ideas on how to change them up a bit. I can’t wait to see what he has planned!

Until then, I thought Director of Art Rear Admiral Sadie Stanton would be a good place to start. She’s the creative force behind all of our graphics and the general artistic theme of the fleet. Doesn’t the site look great! Since she’s done so much with the visual, why not give her the change to share her words too? Here’s Sadie Stanton…

Name: Sadie Stanton
Rank: Rear Admiral
Sim: N/A
Position: Director of Art

Favorite Star Trek episode? “In the Pale Moonlight”
Why? I love the drama. I love Avery’s delivery, and the way he and Robinson bounce off each other.
Favorite Star Trek series? Deep Space 9
Why? Again, drama. I LOVE a good overreaching plot arc, and I like seeing a grittier side of Trek.
Favorite Star Trek film? IV or VI. I’m not sure.
Why? I love the whales and the humor of IV, but I like the mystery of VI.
Favorite Star Trek Captain? Sisko when I’m watching DS9; Janeway when I’m watching VOY.

What year did you start simming? 2001
What sim was it? USS Cortez
What keeps you simming today? I love to write. I love the interaction and the stories.
Favorite non-simming hobby? There’s other hobbies?
Favorite non-Trek series? That’s a hard one… Depends on the day you ask me.
Favorite non-Trek film? No way I can choose.
Favorite book (fiction or non)? The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie
Favorite video game? I don’t have time for video games much these days.
Favorite musician or band? Within Temptation
Favorite superhero? Black Widow
If you could have any super power, what would it be? I honestly don’t know.
Favorite sport? I watch college football on rare occasion.
Favorite team? UCONN Huskies Women’s Basketball
Favorite food? I like a good steak and potato dish.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
Lennon or McCartney? Don’t care…
Jordan or LeBron? Jordan
Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Trek

Rank the Trek TV shows from best to worst. DS9 -> VOY -> TNG -> ENT -> TOS. I don’t watch DSC or Orville. I haven’t gotten to Picard yet.
Rank the Trek movies from best to worst. G, FC, I, TVH, TUC, TFF, TWOK, Abrams, N, TSFS, TMP, B, ID
Was this too many questions? Yes. I didn’t like the ranking thing. 😛

Sadie Stanton, everyone!