2024 Hall of Fame Inductees

With another year in the books, it is again my great honor and privilege to formally announce the newest members of the Independence Fleet Hall of Fame. As a reminder, induction into the Hall of Fame is the highest honor this club offers–reserved for those who have demonstrated exemplary service or extraordinary contributions to the fleet, according to the Hall of Fame Charter (pdf). As such, here is your Hall of Fame Class of 2024:

Inducted by Election:

Vice Admiral Krol

of the USS Minerva

A charter member of the fleet, the original and long-time Commanding Officer of the Minerva, and later member of the Admiralty, Krol was an ever-present figure during IDF’s early years. Regardless of the role, he truly immersed himself into his character and the greater Trek universe. Whether in-story or out-of-story, he always fostered an environment of exploration and wonder for others to use.

Lt. Cmdr. T’Vyn

of the USS Victory

The most decorated crewmember of the Victory, T’Vyn was the engine that enabled the sim to be one of the most successful of its era as her seven Most Posts played no small part in the Victory’s 13 posting titles. Boasting 8.5 total awards, she still ranks within the top 20 all-time. Beyond her superior quantity, she was also known to be extremely inventive within the story to empower other writers.

Inducted by the Veterans Committee:

None this year.

Congratulations to each of our 2024 inductees! They continue to provide a timeless example for us still role playing today to follow. The inductees will hereby be remembered forever for their extraordinary service to Independence Fleet. Well done! There are now 43 total members of this most exclusive club.

2023 Hall of Fame Inductees

With yet another July, it is again my great privilege to formally announce the newest members of the Independence Fleet Hall of Fame. Induction is the highest honor this club offers–reserved for those with exemplary service or extraordinary contributions to the fleet, according to the Hall of Fame Charter (pdf). Without further ado, your Hall of Fame Class of 2023 is as follows:

Inducted by Election:

Colonel Steven MayTa Death

of the USS Sanctuary

The longtime Commanding Officer of the Sanctuary, Steven MayTa Death was the fleet’s all-time leader in command months with 89 when he and his sim transferred to sister club UCIP in 2020. He also managed 17 posting titles during his IDF career. Finding his niche by leading offbeat missions, his crew enjoyed their Marine-centric and action-packed storylines. There will never be another MayTa!

Lt. Cmdr. Maryam Syed

of the USS Sunfire

A mainstay of the renaissance era Sunfire, Maryam Syed was an integral part of helping lead the fleet back to its earlier glory days. Her outstanding contributions in-story, affable nature, and excellent recruiting also ensured the Sunfire remained great for many years. Showing superb breadth, she won six total awards, including Rookie of the Month, Best Post, MVP, and the Recruitment award.

Lieutenant Spaardra Tamis

of the USS Sunfire

A first-rate team player, Spaardra Tamis was an indispensable member of both the Sunfire and the fleet. As IDF was reestablishing itself during the renaissance era, her superior posting quantity and wide recruiting efforts were exactly what was needed at the time to jumpstart operations. Of her five total awards, two were for Recruitment and three were for Most Posts.

Inducted by the Veterans Committee:

None this year.

Congratulations to our three 2023 inductees! Thank you for providing a timeless example for us still role playing today to emulate. You will hereby forever be remembered for your extraordinary service to Independence Fleet. Well done! There are now 41 total members of this most exclusive club.

That’s two more inductees from the Sunfire, and our first from the Sanctuary.

2022 Hall of Fame Inductees

One of my greatest privileges as Independence Fleet’s Commander-in-Chief is to announce the newest members of the Hall of Fame each July. These are the best of the best from throughout our history–those with exemplary service or extraordinary contributions to the fleet, according to the Hall of Fame Charter (pdf). For those who attended our 21st Anniversary Webcast on Saturday, you already know who is being inducted this year. For everyone else, it is now my great pleasure to formally introduce our Hall of Fame Class of 2022:

Inducted by Election:

Commander McGregor Blaine

of the USS Excalibur

A longtime member of the Excalibur, McGregor Blaine still managed to stand out despite being a part of arguably the greatest crew of all time. Finding his niche, he excelled in multiple areas, including writing, leadership, and recruiting. Blaine’s great breadth of contributions led to him earning five total awards, with all five being of different categories: Rookie of the Month, Recruitment, MVP, and two Post awards.

Commander Dusty Redroi

of the USS Excalibur

A member of the Excalibur, Dusty Redroi still managed to stand out despite being a part of arguably the greatest crew of all time. Making his mark with a rare combination of excellently crafted posts involving other characters and high quantity, he was instrumental to the sim’s long-term success. He won four awards over the course of his career, including Funniest Post and two Most Posts.

Captain Zingela

of the USS Washington

The personification of the team player, Zingela did all the little things to foster a cohesive and productive crew. He worked well with players of all types and styles that led to some truly great role playing. He worked his way up the chain, eventually commanding the Washington out of necessity rather than ambition. Zingela tallied five total awards, including three different Post awards and two MVPs.

Inducted by the Veterans Committee:

Admiral Savai N’gellin

of the USS Patriot

A longtime member of the Patriot, Savai N’gellin’s career spanned from IDF’s early period through the middle years. As a crewmember, he earned seven total awards, which still ranks within the top 20 all-time. N’gellin eventually joined the Admiralty and severed for several years, most notably as Director of Fleet Intelligence & Security, during some of the fleet’s most productive periods.

Captain K’lar Rasmehlier

of the USS Conqueror

A true shooting star, the late K’lar Rasmehlier commanded the Conqueror for only nine months. However, it was a nine months for the ages as he led his sim to win the fleet posting title in all nine months with consistently high numbers not seen before or since. In addition to the quantity, he led his crew on imaginative missions that allowed each player collaboratively fulfil their potential.

Congratulations to all five of our 2022 inductees! Well done, and thank you for providing a timeless example for us still role playing to follow. You will hereby forever be remembered for your extraordinary service to Independence Fleet. There are now 38 total members of this most exclusive club.

Harking back to our early history, four of the five inductees represent sims that aren’t currently in our line-up. The two from the Excalibur bring that early-era sim’s record total up to seven inductees. Incredibly, all seven simmed together on the same crew!

Hall of Fame Amendment IV

The fourth amendment to the Independence Fleet Hall of Fame is hereby approved after a vote of 10 ballots for, 0 against, and 2 abstentions. The main change is reducing the maximum number of annual inductions from the standard process from five to three, and from the Veterans Committee from three to two. It also clarifies that future amendments can’t be voted on during May, June, or July so as to not interfere with the election process. These changes were primary driven by feedback from the voters this past year.

I don’t anticipate this resulting in any major changes practically, but it should help us focus our efforts moving forward. Speaking of forward, I’m already looking toward inducting a new group of outstanding individuals next year on our 21st anniversary to join the current 33 inductees.

You can see more about the Hall of Fame here or read the updated HoF Charter here.

2021 Hall of Fame Inductees

It is my great privilege to formally induct the newest members of the Independence Fleet Hall of Fame. For those who attended our 20th Anniversary Webcast yesterday, you got a sneak peak at the class of 2021. Induction into our Hall of Fame is the highest honor within this fleet. The criteria, requirements, and process can be found in the Hall of Fame Charter (pdf).

The following individuals are hereby inducted into the Independence Fleet Hall of Fame:

Inducted by Election:

Admiral Joseph “Stealth” Carroll

of the USS Washington

One of the most colorful characters in fleet history, Joseph “Stealth” Carroll has done it all. He joined the USS Washington during the fleet’s first month, then rose through the ranks and earned his first command on the USS Liberty, winning a posting title in his first month. He also served in numerous Admiralty roles up through 2020, most notably Fleet Inspector General. A contributor at every level, Carroll’s loyalty is unmatched.

Captain Wesley Chase

of the USS Avalon

A longtime Captain during IDF’s late renaissance period, Wesley Chase led many original adventures on his two commands, the USS Avalon and USS Archimedes, including during a three month stint as Commanding Officer of both. He knew how to push the boundaries while staying true to the best ideals of both Trek and simming. Chase tallied two posting titles and 2.33 Genesis awards.

Vice Admiral Caroline Marion

no sim selection

A member of the Admiralty through much of IDF’s history, from the late early years up through 2020, Caroline Marion is best known as the genius behind the fleet logos developed circa 2004-06. Building on earlier fleet emblems, the graphics received rave reviews from players and were highly influential on subsequent club artwork. Indeed, the theme and feel from Marion’s work remains today.

Fleet Admiral James D. West

of the USS Sunfire

One of the club’s three founders and instrumental throughout its history, James D. West has left an incalculable mark. He coined the Independence Fleet name, created the first bell & wings logo, and served as the first, third & sixth fleet Commanding Officer. He additionally created four sims and returned in 2020 when the fleet was teetering on collapse. Without West’s many contributions, we wouldn’t be celebrating today.

Fleet Admiral AJ Wheeler

no sim selection

The third and final individual to achieve the Fleet Admiral rank, AJ Wheeler was also the longest serving fleet Commanding Officer, a position held for more than nine years. While the fleet saw many ups and downs during Wheeler’s tenure, it was noted for its extreme growth and many contributions to the greater simming universe, including hosting and sponsoring major community events.

Inducted by the Veterans Committee:

Commander George Ruiken

of the USS Sunfire

A champion simmer from IDF’s late early period, George Ruiken was a go-to player who know how to push the plot forward and make it entertaining for all. He quickly rose through the ranks to Commander, and is still in the top 20 all-time with 6 total awards, including 2 MVPs and 2 Funniest Posts. Ruiken’s posts were always imaginative and provided many opportunities for others to get involved.

Congratulations to all six of our 2021 inductees! Well done, and thank you for providing an example for us still role playing to follow. You will forever be remembered for your extraordinary contributions to Independence Fleet. There are now 33 total members of this most exclusive club.

In a stunning coincidence, the three sims represented this year are the USS Sunfire (x2), USS Avalon, and USS Washington–identical to our original fleet line-up on July 4th, 2001.

Speaking of that, stay tuned for more news regarding our 20th anniversary today…

2020 Hall of Fame Inductees

Today, on our club’s 19th anniversary, it is my great privilege to formally introduce the Independence Fleet Hall of Fame Class of 2020. Induction into our Hall of Fame is the highest honor within this fleet. The requirements and process can be found in the Hall of Fame Charter (pdf).

The newest members of the Independence Fleet Hall of Fame are hereby announced:

Inducted by Election:

Commander Chameleon “Cam” Circuit

of the USS Washington

One of the most unqiue characters in IDF’s history, no one ever forgot Cam Circuit. His interactions with other crewmembers on the USS Washington ranged from deeply meaningful to downright hilarious. He knew how to make the most of every situation and how to bring out the best in people. Circuit won the Rookie of the Month Award and later captured Most Improved and the now defunct Outstanding Simmer Award.

Lt. Cmdr. Laria Jorel

of the USS Sunfire

One of the leaders on the most successful ship of her era, Laria Jorel helped take the USS Sunfire to new heights. Conquering both quality and quantity, the Sunfire became well known beyond IDF with the entire community. To this day, Jorel still ranks fifth all-time with 8.83 total awards, which includes 3.33 Best Posts and 2 MVPs. Jorel was a master of involving others and taking the story in unexpected directions.

Captain Ena Robi

of the USS Constellation

One of the leading Captains of IDF’s renaissance era, Ena Robi’s USS Constellation crew told some of the most interesting and compelling stories of all-time. Forging their own path forward, they seemlessly integrated the Star Trek universe into their own unique lore. She also totaled 5.5 awards, including 2.5 Genesis Awards. Making this even more impressive, Robi took command in only her third month of simming.

Captain Jimmy Rogers

of the USS Liberty

A Captain with unlimited hosting talent, Jimmy Rogers led the USS Liberty to become one of the top sims of the day. His crewmembers regularly won awards and the Liberty captured three posting titles, including a monster 315-post month that still stands in the top 10 all-time. Rogers won the MVP Award in his first month of simming, took command in his second month, and then later captured 2.33 Genesis Awards.

Admiral Landon Wakeland

of the USS Pioneer

A selfless leader on all fronts, Landon Wakeland improved IDF in nearly every way possible. He enhanced our social media footprint, improved relations with other fleets, and most importantly, launched 10 new sims and welcomed another outside sim into the fleet. He was the force that made IDF go during his era. Best of all, Wakeland was able to implement these changes while still keeping everyone happy.

Inducted by the Veterans Committee:

Captain Gorath

of the USS Raptor

Serving as an Executive Officer for two new sims, Gorath eventually got his shot at command with the USS Raptor. He didn’t disappoint as he won the fleet posting title in his first month. He was a natural leader who kept everyone moving forward whether he was an XO or Captain. Unfortunately, the records of his later exploits remain lost to history. Gorath totaled 5.5 awards, including two Recruitment Awards.

Commander James Sullivan

of the USS Dragon

One of the top simmers of his era, James Sullivan helped make a name for the USS Dragon. A natural Executive Officer, he expertly managed his crew while still implementing the Captain’s vision. He kept everyone engaged by using creative plot twists to provide ways for others to participate and write. Sullivan is still tied for 11th all-time with seven total awards, including three Most Posts.

Congratulations to all seven inductees! Well done! You will now forever be remembered for your extraordinary contributions to Independence Fleet. Thank you for continuing to provide an example to follow for all of us still role playing today. There are now 27 members of this most exclusive club.

On an administrative note, we have discovered documents indicating that 2012 inductee Airika Calhoun’s final/highest rank was not Lieutenant, but Commander. As such, the record has been updated to reflect her rank as Commander. Commander Calhoun hails from the USS Excalibur.

I can only begin to imagine the day when many of our current simmers receive this same honor. Until, let’s role play and have fun!

The Hall of Fame is Back!

The IDF Hall of Fame is active once again. After an 8-0 vote of eligible voters, I hereby officially approve the latest amendment to the Hall of Fame charter, which re-activates the institution after it was suspended indefinitely in 2014. Look for us to take nominations later this spring for the 2020 class that will be inducted on our 19-year anniversary of July 4th.

Below you’ll find a list of all 20 current Hall of Fame members and the newly amended charter. It’s a great day to be in Independence Fleet!

Hall of Fame Inductees

Class of 2013

  • Captain Jasson Asuka
  • Lt. Cmdr. Seth Rain
  • Lt. Cmdr. Mira Rodale
  • Captain Alayne Tolbin
  • Commodore Zachari Vrona

Class of 2012

  • Lieutenant Airika Calhoun
  • Captain Ace Decade
  • Commander Paula Fredericks
  • Fleet Admiral Jeremiah Griffith
  • Admiral Richter Hiron

Class of 2011

  • Captain Julie Absecon
  • Commander Samira Barajas
  • Commander Entera Danae
  • Commander Ingoldo
  • Lt. Cmdr. Reggie “Big” Johnson
  • Rear-Admiral Henry “Hank” Logan
  • Captain Steve McCloud
  • Lt. Cmdr. Dick Phelps
  • Commander Kiara Rodale
  • Commander Tavik

Independence Fleet Hall of Fame Charter

I. Purpose

A. The Independence Fleet Hall of Fame shall recognize individuals for exemplary service or extraordinary contributions to the fleet.

II. Eligibility

A. Characters, not players, are to be inducted. Multiple characters from a single player are eligible.

B. Characters must be inactive for at least one year prior to induction.

C. Characters shall be inducted no more than once.

III. Process

A. Nominations shall be taken every May. Nominations may be made by anyone, regardless of rank or fleet affiliation. Self-nominations are permitted.

B. Voting shall take place every June, with each nominee receiving a separate vote. All Commanding Officers and active members of the Admiralty may cast one ballot (yea or nay) for each nominee. A player with multiple characters may cast no more than two ballots per nominee.

C. Characters receiving yeas for more than one-half of their ballots and finishing in the top five of the year’s nominees shall be inducted. Characters receiving more than one-half of the ballots cast, but not finishing in the top five of the year’s nominees shall be automatically re-nominated the following year. In the event of more than five nominees receiving the required votes for induction, tie-breakers for the final spots shall be determined by the Command-in-Chief to prevent more than five inductions in any cycle.

D. Characters inactive for more than ten years, regardless of nomination status, may be inducted by consensus decision from the Veterans Committee. All active members of the Admiralty shall serve on the Veterans Committee. Veterans Committee selections shall be capped at three inductions per cycle and shall not count toward the maximum of five from the standard selection process.

E. Inductions shall take place every July 4th. All inductions are final and shall not be overturned.

IV. Amendment

A. Changes to this charter must be approved by at least two-thirds of eligible voters and Independence Fleet’s Commander-in-Chief.

B. Amendments shall not be proposed in May, June, or July.