Happy 23rd Anniversary, Independence Fleet

Happy 23rd anniversary, Independence Fleet! For anyone new and not aware or simply not wanting to do the math, this club was founded all the way back on July 4, 2001. Continuing a tradition we began a few years ago, here is a message from a special guest:

What else do we have for this year? You might remember the 20th Anniversary Almanac that we published three years ago. Well, we got the cover page signed by none other than Star Trek legend William Shatner:

pdf | jpg

A closer view of the signature:

In case you were wondering, the cover photo at the top is indeed based on the greatest Star Trek selfie ever taken by LeVar Burton. Thank you to Captain Misaki for creating our header image two years in a row.

I almost forgot, we have a second message this year too:

Happy anniversary, IDF! Here’s to 23 years and much more!

Monthly Awards: May 2024

Best Post (Single Author)

Captain James Stewart
Commanding Officer
USS Churchill

For “Help on Its Way”

An excellent amount of back story and intrigue that left me wanting to dive deeper down that rabbit hole on this mission.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Malcom Llwyedd & Lt. Tor Ezzo & Ens. Nusien & Ens. Gianna Djokovic & PO1 Kipp Lak & PO2 Fhiri
CO / CFCO / FCO / TO / Y / CSS
USS Firebird

For “Screaming in the Silence”

Clearly written by some very talented writers who know how to do a good back and forth and flesh out their characters.

Funniest Post

Lieutenant JG James Phoenix & Lieutenant JG Kate Kono
Tactical Officer / Support Craft Pilot
USS Washington

For “Thunderstruck”

This one tickled in a very nostalgic way, however based on the nickname giving to one of the characters, I hope for a better outcome.


Captain Mira Rodale
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “Who let the cat out?”

Typical of a Commander Officer of the Chuck Norris, a great start to a new chapter. No bias here at all……. dismissed!


Commander Michael Murphy
Executive Officer
USS Montana

Getting high commendations from the CO about how well you can work independently of them is one of the highest praises you can receive and is well deserved in this case.

Most Posts

Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

15 posts leads the way with the fleet.

Most Improved

Lieutenant JG Kate Kono
Support Craft Pilot
USS Washington

A good writer is always trying to improve as they go, and being able to be fun and entertaining is a great mix.

Rookie of the Month

2nd Lieutenant Connor McQueen
Marine Executive Officer
USS Sunfire

New to the sim and Discord, and improving with every new post, excited to see where their career continues to grow.


None this month.

Rear Admiral Aurther Winters
Director of Personnel
Independence Fleet

At the movies… with Independence Fleet!

And yet another year of IDF is in the books with our 22nd Anniversary today. To remind you of how old we really are, here’s a quote from last year’s anniversary post:

“On our 22nd Anniversary, we will be further removed from the premiere of the 2009 Star Trek film (May 8, 2009) than IDF’s launch was from the premiere of The Next Generation (September 28, 1987): 14 years, 1 month, 26 days vs. 13 years, 9 months, 6 days.”

Well, here we are! For this year’s celebration, each of our 12 sims created a movie poster to capture their unique essence and feel. We are also very fortunate to have Amanda Rose from RPG Writing, NX-1701-G from Zodiac Fleet, and Beth from Sim Central to judge the entries in three categories: overall image quality, how much does it look like an actual movie poster, and general creativity/originality. Before we get to the posters themselves, we first have an announcement from a special guest:

Now, the 12 movie posters:

And your winners are…

1st Place:

USS Wayfarer
CO: Captain Akeno Misaki
Poster by: Akeno Misaki
2nd Place:

USS Sunfire
CO: Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Poster by: Bonnie Durnell
3rd Place:

USS Eclipse
CO: Captain Aven LaCroix
Poster by: Aven LaCroix
“I’m impressed by the technical skill and originality that went into this poster.”

“If you’re familiar with Anime movie posters, this is spot on.”

“Having anime Trek characters in the mirror universe with the crack showing the Federation and Terran emblems on different sides was brilliant.”
“Of all the posters shared this was the one that actually made me want to join the game in question.”

“Image expertly merged the dinosaur imagery with clear Trek imagery without making them appear distinct.”

“This poster screamed movie poster. I would expect to see this on the wall in some theater. A starship with dinosaurs and big lettering. Well done!”
“I’m not typically a fan of the starship and character posters, but this one spoke to me.”

“I kept wanting to rate this poster higher in my rankings. There’s a lot to like with the faded facial imagery and ship…

…[including] ‘Coming Never,’ which was mildly amusing.”

Congratulations to all three winners, and a special thanks to our judges! However, to quote Kirk from Star Trek III, we’re not finished yet! Here are superlative awards for our other nine games:

Best poster for Seinfeld/Trek crossover

USS Albion
CO: Captain Dick Sprague
Poster by: Akeno Misaki
Some bold judges not to pick this one!

USS Chuck Norris
CO: Captain Aurther Winters
Poster by: Bonnie Durnell
Best poster for past meeting the future

USS Churchill
CO: Captain James Stewart
Poster by: Akeno Misaki
Best poster if you actually watch Picard

USS Eminence
CO: Captain Alex Shepard
Poster by: Akeno Misaki
Best poster for a random trailing light

USS Ganymede
CO: Captain Dyllon McMahon
Poster by: Akeno Misaki
Best poster for a low Earth orbit view

USS Liberty
CO: Captain Kaylia Strenvale
Poster by: Akeno Misaki
Best poster for the IMAX experience

USS Montana
CO: Captain Jackson Adams
Poster by: Bonnie Durnell
Best poster for “Aft torpedoes, fire!!!”

USS Washington
CO: Captain Shran dh’Klar
Poster by: Akeno Misaki
Best poster that could double for Dune

Starbase 80
CO: Captain Kathleen O’Shea
Poster by: Bonnie Durnell

While we’re on the topic of movies, we are now further removed from our July 4, 2001 founding than it was from the premiere of the first Star Trek film Star Trek: The Motion Picture (December 6, 1979): 22 years vs. 21 years, 6 months, 28 days. Feel old yet?

Continuing last year’s tradition, we again have a second video message:

Happy IDF anniversary, everyone!

Welcome to the USS Churchill

We don’t often have outside sims join our fleet. However, I am very proud to announce that the USS Churchill joined us last month with their first official post as a member of IDF coming on December 23, 2022. Captain James Stewart is the Commanding Officer.

USS ChurchillNCC-86255
Format: ProseEra: Post-Dominion War
Type: TraditionalClass: Luna
CO: Captain James StewartJoin!

Welcome aboard, Captain Stewart and crew!