Monthly Awards: June 2024

From the Desk of Aurther Winters:

Good day to you all, I apologize that this is coming later than expected, both my introduction, if needed and the awards this month. I can say I look forward to reading and seeing where you take your stories, missions and sims for the foreseeable future. If you require any assistance with anything or help, please feel free to reach out to me, I am more than happy to help. A quick introduction if you’ve made it this far, Hello… hola, Aurther Winters here, former Captain of the only known starship with a roundhouse in its arsenal. I also once went by the name of James Sullivan from the USS Dragon, and if that name rings a bell to you, I’m sorry about your back pain. I have been simming on and off now, for probably almost 20 years now. I don’t make too many promises other than when I judge you, it will be done on top of a mighty floating throne, much like a Q, but with far… far less power. Ad Astra Per Aspera

Best Post (Single Author)

Ensign Torog Zakhov
Engineering Officer
USS Washington

For “Argumentative Engineering”

A solid post, filled with just enough backstory, humour and intrigue to keep one wanting more.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Malcom Llwyedd & Lt. Cmdr. Cynfor Rees & Lt. Cmdr. Rhiana t’Aegis & Lt. Cmdr. Kataxes & Lt. Cmdr. Jörgen Leed & Lt. Tor Ezzo & Lt. Owen Woodhouse & Lt. Jackson Smith & Lt. JG Randolf Forst & Ens. Lun
USS Firebird

For “It Takes A Village”

As the title suggests, this is just a fantastic example of what happens when you get the entire crew to contribute in their own ways to make an extremely compelling, well thought out and fantastic story. Well done!

Funniest Post

Lt. Ayana Hillis & Cmdr. Samantha Howard & Lt. Imik S’Niohun & Lt. Inara Senn & Lt. JG Kate Kono & Lt. JG James Phoenix & Ens. Torog Zakhov
USS Washington

For “Promotion Party”

Jokes, dancing and even a few songs will help with a promotion, and make for a very entertaining read.


Cmdr. Mashiro Munetani “Shiro” & Capt. Akeno Misaki
USS Wayfarer

For “Calling For Backup”

The Dynamic duo are back at it again, and bring some nice callbacks from their own past as well as some past Trek, with just the right splash of awkwardness.


Lieutenant JG Patra Rommel
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Wayfarer

It can be hard to come back to writing and have either the same spark you once had, or even get back into the swing and cohesion of things when you miss enough time. The praise from one’s CO about their skill on their return is never something to be overlooked.

Most Posts

Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

13 posts is again the most to take this award.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Jackson Smith
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Firebird

Being commended on being the most improved on the ship, while also helping elevate your fellow crewmen and their writing is a great combination.

Rookie of the Month

Ensign Torog Zakhov
Engineering Officer
USS Washington

An engineer, new to the sim, having a Best Post award as well as Rookie of the Month–this is the start of a possible star studded career, and a path, I know all so well. I am excited to see where this will lead.


None this month.

Rear Admiral Aurther Winters
Director of Personnel
Independence Fleet

Monthly Awards: May 2024

Best Post (Single Author)

Captain James Stewart
Commanding Officer
USS Churchill

For “Help on Its Way”

An excellent amount of back story and intrigue that left me wanting to dive deeper down that rabbit hole on this mission.

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Malcom Llwyedd & Lt. Tor Ezzo & Ens. Nusien & Ens. Gianna Djokovic & PO1 Kipp Lak & PO2 Fhiri
CO / CFCO / FCO / TO / Y / CSS
USS Firebird

For “Screaming in the Silence”

Clearly written by some very talented writers who know how to do a good back and forth and flesh out their characters.

Funniest Post

Lieutenant JG James Phoenix & Lieutenant JG Kate Kono
Tactical Officer / Support Craft Pilot
USS Washington

For “Thunderstruck”

This one tickled in a very nostalgic way, however based on the nickname giving to one of the characters, I hope for a better outcome.


Captain Mira Rodale
Commanding Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For “Who let the cat out?”

Typical of a Commander Officer of the Chuck Norris, a great start to a new chapter. No bias here at all……. dismissed!


Commander Michael Murphy
Executive Officer
USS Montana

Getting high commendations from the CO about how well you can work independently of them is one of the highest praises you can receive and is well deserved in this case.

Most Posts

Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

15 posts leads the way with the fleet.

Most Improved

Lieutenant JG Kate Kono
Support Craft Pilot
USS Washington

A good writer is always trying to improve as they go, and being able to be fun and entertaining is a great mix.

Rookie of the Month

2nd Lieutenant Connor McQueen
Marine Executive Officer
USS Sunfire

New to the sim and Discord, and improving with every new post, excited to see where their career continues to grow.


None this month.

Rear Admiral Aurther Winters
Director of Personnel
Independence Fleet

Monthly Awards: February 2024

Happy Ides of March, everybody!

Best Post (Single Author)

Lieutenant Steve Ryan
Chief Communications and Operations Officer
USS Montana

For “Reapacification”

Duty calls!

Best Post (Joint Post)

Capt. Malcom Llwyedd & Lt. Cmdr. Cynfor Rees & Lt. Cmdr. Jörgen Leed & Lt. Tor Ezzo & Lt. Owen Woodhouse
USS Firebird

For “This isn’t a Simulator!”

Great action and plot development!

Funniest Post

Lt. Cmdr. Deanna Celes & Lt. Inara Senn & Ens. James Phoenix
USS Washington

For “Following the Evidence”

Great writing!


Cmdr. Mashiro Munetani “Shiro” & Capt. Akeno Misaki & Lt. Cmdr. Raelyn Mckenzie & Lt. Cmdr. Mark Johnson & Lt. Ileah & Lt. Luna Eclipse of the House of Martok & Lt. Rania Bhatti & Lt. JG Patra Rommel
XO / CO / CSTO / CMO / Y / CFCO / CC / CES
USS Wayfarer

For “Revisiting the Past”

A great way to build into the mission.


Commander Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

The Chuck Norris’s XO continues to set the pace for the ship, even stepping up as the current CO is due to stand down. She expertly leads the ship both in and out of character and is slated to become the full-time CO next month.

Most Posts

Commander Mira Rodale
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

For writing 49 posts.

Most Improved

Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla’ren
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Sunfire

The Gunfire’s CEO made outstanding contributions during the month during the CD mini-mission that not only developed her own character but set up great opportunities for others to use as well.

Rookie of the Month

Lieutenant Commander Kataxes
Chief Medical Officer
USS Firebird

The Firebird’s new CMO jumped into simming with a radically different and unique character, and is not only pulling it off, but crushing it.


None this month.

The great posting continues!